Presentation in FDR2022
Yildirim (“Can”) presented his research on geopolymer in the FDR2022 conference. Radionuclide immobilization behavior of Sodium Activated Metakaolin Based GeopolymerAnil Can Yildirim (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
Yildirim (“Can”) presented his research on geopolymer in the FDR2022 conference. Radionuclide immobilization behavior of Sodium Activated Metakaolin Based GeopolymerAnil Can Yildirim (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
The article by our Ph.D. student, Mr. Murota, “Pore size effects on surface charges and interfacial electrostatics of mesoporous silicas”, has been selected as a 2022 HOT article of the Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. journal.
An article by Dr. Toda has been accepted in the Cement journal. The title is “Effects of lignosulfonate on synthesis products of the pozzolanic reaction”. Toda, K., Minato, D., Saito, T., Kikuchi, R., Otake, T., Sato, T., “Effects of lignosulfonate on synthesis products of the pozzolanic reaction”, Cement, in press (2022).
An article by our Ph.D. student, Mr. Murota, has been accepted in Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. The title is “Pore size effects on surface charges and interfacial electrostatics of mesoporous silicas”. Murota, K.*, Saito, T., “Pore size effects on surface charges and interfacial electrostatics of mesoporous silicas”, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., in press (2022).
An article by our Ph.D. student, Mr. Murota, has been accepted in Appl. Geochem. The title is “Desorption mechanisms of cesium from illite and vermiculite”. Murota, K.*, Tanoi, K., Ochiai, A., Utsunomiya, T., Saito, T., “Desorption mechanisms of cesium from illite and vermiculite”, Appl. Geochem., in press (2020).
Mr. Fukuoka, who has graduated from our lab and is now working in Tokyo Electric Power Company, is recieve a fellow prize of the Atomic Energy Society Japan. He dis a research on so-called DGT (diffusive gradient in thin film) for environmental behaviors of radioacitive cesium in Fukushima prefecture.
An article by our MC. student, Mr. Murota, has been accepted in J. Environ. Radioact. The title is “Desorption kinetics of cesium from Fukushima soils”. Murota, K., Saito, T.*, Tanaka, S., “Desorption kinetics of cesium from Fukushima soils”, J. Environ. Radioact. 153, 134-140 (2016).
Our article has been highlighted in the blog of Environ. Sci.: Processes Impacts, RSC. Saito, T.*, Terashima, M., Aoyagi, N., Nagao, S., Fujitake, N., Ohnuki, T., “Physicochemical and ion-binding properties of highly aliphatic humic substances extracted from deep sedimentary groundwater”, Env. Sci. Process. Impact 17, 1386-1395 (2015). Open access
Our article has been selected as the cover art of JAAS, vol. 3o (Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry), Royal Society of Chemistry. Research overview Saito, T.*, Hamamoto, T., Mizuno, T., Iwatsuki, T., Tanaka, T., “Comparative study of granitic and sedimentary groundwater colloids by flow field flow fractionation coupled with ICP-MS”, J. Anal. At. Spectrom. 30, 1229-1236 (2015). Open access
I’ve moved to Nuclear Professional School, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo and started a new laboratory.